As per tradition, Daniel headed out with the guys from Sunday School on Friday night to go to the annual "Man Camp" camping trip so Sabrina and I had a little girl time. We had been invited to a Cowgirl birthday party on Saturday for Sabrina's friend, Rayven. Her mom, Amanda, and I are in MOPS together and she's a great friend. It was because of the Torres family that the Bentons went to Disneyworld last December, the same time they were going to be there, and ended up having breakfast at Cinderella's castle with them on our last day. We love the Torres clan!
So anyway, here are some pictures from the Cowgirl Birthday party. There was a whole petting zoo of animals and even pony rides. Sabrina absolutely LOVES dressing up for parties, and this was no exception. I was thankful that she got another wear out of her cowboy boots and hat which haven't been worn since the Rodeo in February.

Later that night, we had planned on going to Zoo Boo at the San Antonio Zoo. We have never been but we have a Zoo family membership for the first time this year and we got tickets with our membership. I invited my step-mom, Kathy (Nanny) to come along with us. Little did we know that Zoo Boo is worse than Fiesta! We ran into traffic long before we were even CLOSE to the zoo and as we inched along and saw throngs of people lining both sides of the street and cars everywhere with nowhere to park, it started to become clear that this was a bad idea. As we got closer to the park entrance, there was the longest line I have ever seen! Now Zoo Boo is supposed to be from 6:00 to 8:00pm and it was already getting close to 7:00 o'clock because we weren't moving. Obviously, they had reached capacity and were not letting anyone else in. So why were all these people still in line? It boggled my mind. As we continued to inch forward and past the entrance to the park, another line was coming from the opposite direction! It went all the way to Alamo Stadium, I kid you not. There was just no way we were getting in. Poor Sabrina was very disappointed and started crying but Nanny and I quickly started pointing out the positives. Those poor kids just standing in line, hungry, tired, needing to go potty, and they aren't even gonna get to go in to the park! Now, if you were a parent in this situation, would you honestly fight for a parking space, walk all that long way, stand in that line that wasn't moving just for the off-chance that you *might* get in to Zoo Boo for the last 10 minutes? Either way, you are going to have a disappointed kid. Better to disappoint while you are still in the car and can just drive right past the mayhem and foolishness. I honestly couldn't understand those thousands (yes, thousands) of parents. So instead, we headed to Freddy's Frozen Custard for burgers, fries and frozen custard. It cures many ailments..... and tears.

We didn't make it to church on Sunday morning because Momma was plain tuckered out from all the festivities. Daddy was still camping so I took Sabrina to our favorite restaurant, Chili's, for Halloween lunch.

She requested a "Rainbow Penguin" from the Balloon lady, and by golly, that's what she got!

A girl after my own heart..... we love us some Southwest Eggrolls!
Daddy came home Sunday afternoon, just in time to go trick-or-treating in our neighborhood. My little girl is such a pro now but I remember coaching her on her first trick-or-treat outing. Here's a glimpse at baby Butterfly Sabrina (2007, when she was about to turn two-years old).

With "Geisha" cousin, Reagan

And here she is, a grown-up-big-girl-four-and-a-half-year-old Supergirl. The time sure flies by. I will remember this when baby girl #2 is here and I'm taking her first trick-or-treat pictures.

We met some new friends, Kendall and Owen, who live in our neighborhood!

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